Greenham Common Photograph Albums
This is a series of my photograph albums about Greenham Common, near
Newbury, Berkshire, in central south England. I live in Newbury, and the
is where I'm often to be found, invariably with one or more of my various
cameras slung around my neck. It's a wonderful and often quite surprising
and my intention here is to give you a flavour of what it is, what it was,
and how it looks today. This is how I see and experience the Common.
If by any chance you've been to see my Greenham albums before,
please note that the entire site was updated in early September 2019 with
a redesign of the pages and loads of new pictures added.
A common? Isn't that just a big piece of land where people can go for a walk on Sunday afternoons? Trees, grass, bushes, caterpillars? A big No there for Greenham. Certainly, there are trees, bushes and caterpillars and whatever grass the commoners' cattle and the wild ponies haven't yet eaten. But there's an awful lot more. In short: it used to be an American nuclear airbase, until that closed, roughly at the same time as the Cold War was called off, and they ripped it up with big yellow tractors and things. But they left behind many many enticing clues and photogenic reminders of its past. So this is my acknowledgment and thanks to those who, when ripping up the former airbase, decided to leave us all these clues and reminders - and thus left lots of things for me to photograph. I'm not going to give you the history of Greenham here; there's no need to reinvent the wheel by merely repeating what is very highly documented on other websites, and you know to to use Google. What you'll see here is the present, not an account of the past.
It's a popular place to go, and on sunny Sunday afternoons it might be tricky to find a parking space at one of the several access points, due to the large number of visitors. The main car park, adjacent to the old control tower (yes, that's one of the remaining clues and reminders I referred to) can get pretty full, despite its generous size. But, depending on which part of the Common you want to see, there are other access points, most with adequate - if bumpy and possibly muddy - parking.
So, what follows are links to various photograph albums, all my own work! I've categorised the albums by subject, as you'll see. If you find this humble tribute to the Common interesting or enticing then please do try to return here from time to time, as this is a possibly never ending work in progress, and I may well be adding new categories, or new photographs to existing categories. I do, of course, welcome your views and opinions, your questions and your criticism, and to this end you'll get me by email at alansworld {at} And now, let's get started....
Credits: all photographs by me, except for some aerial photographs: directly vertical overhead views are from Google Earth, otherwise any oblique overhead shots were taken by me via quadcopter.